Ukraine is the Scrimmage Line for Liberty

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 12, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LANDSMAN. Madam Speaker, I thank my very good friend and colleague from the great State of Ohio, Marcy Kaptur, for her leadership on this. It is remarkable.

Madam Speaker, I, too, rise today in support of Ukraine and its fight against tyranny. Imagine where we would be, the global community, had the United States and Europe joined forces in 1939 to stop Hitler when he invaded Poland?

The world is watching us now, and Russia wants nothing more than for the United States and our allies to abandon Ukraine. That is the big win for Putin.

Abandoning Ukraine would give Putin and his despots like him the green light to further their wars of imperialism and expansion, and history, as I mentioned, shows us that appeasing autocrats has devastating consequences. Doing so could draw the United States and our allies into direct conflict, putting American troops in harm's way.

Ukraine is fighting for its survival. Eastern Europe is fighting for its survival. The United States in partnership with our allies must stand firm by Ukraine's side as it fights to defend its freedom, its sovereignty, and its future.

We have to pass a budget. We have to pass this much-needed investment in our global partners. We can, if and when the Speaker realizes how serious of a moment this is and decides to be serious and bring us a bipartisan bill which will pass overwhelmingly.

