Recognizing the Heroic Efforts of the Rush Creek Yacht Club

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 5, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FALLON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commend the youth sailors of the Rush Creek Yacht Club of Heath, Texas, for their role in rescuing a windsurfer in distress.

On July 16, 2021, Bob Cummings was windsurfing on Lake Hubbard near Dallas, Texas, when he lost his foil board in strong winds. Mr. Cummings was stranded in the middle of the lake and located two miles from the nearest shore. He was tired, cold, and anxious about his fate. To his good fortune, youth sailor Leon van Os was sailing on the same lake and spotted Mr. Cummings struggling in the water. Leon quickly notified the rest of his crew and utilized their ``man overboard'' training to rescue Mr. Cummings.

In recognition of their efforts, the U.S. Sailing Safety at Sea Committee has awarded the Rush Creek Yacht Club the Arthur B. Hanson Rescue Medal for the crew's actions. This Medal was established in 1990 to recognize those who have rescued fellow sailors from danger and made significant contributions in improving rescue efforts nationwide. The crew of young heroes includes Leon van Os, Mercedes Porter-Via, Alex Deaton, Genevieve Young, Ian Park, Ally Ravji, and Elizabeth Cleaves.

I have requested a United States flag to be flown over our Nation's Capitol in recognition of each of these individuals for their bravery and heroic action. I thank them for their efforts and may God Bless them all.

