National Housing Crisis

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 1, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Speaker, on this first day of December, I rise today to point out that the people's House went the entire month of November without passing a bill to tackle our Nation's housing crisis.

Communities on the California central coast are ranked as some of the most expensive places in our country to live in.

I was sent to this Chamber by my constituents to enact policies that will help lower these skyrocketing prices.

Congress needs to help increase the availability of affordable housing options. We need to reform and expand programs that provide housing assistance for working families and veterans like I have been pushing for. We need to invest in our communities for solutions that are helping those experiencing homelessness.

Mr. Speaker, there are bills we could pass today to lend a hand, including bipartisan ones that I have helped write.

By all means, let's keep pursuing baseless impeachment inquires or defunding the salaries of Cabinet members that we don't agree with.

Mr. Speaker, please, let's start governing.

