Chairs Rodgers and Guthrie Announce Subcommittee Hearing on AI


Date: Nov. 21, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"The explosion of AI offers great promise for improving efficiency in the health care system. This technology has the potential to directly help patients, including by allowing doctors and hospitals to spend less time doing paperwork and more time providing care. It also offers hope to those battling deadly diseases that this technology may improve research and development into new treatments and cures," said Chairs Rodgers and Guthrie. "That said, this level of AI utilization is a new frontier in health care, and this committee has a vested interest in ensuring that it is improving patient care and driving innovation--not being used to supplant the clinical judgement of physicians or indiscriminately limit access to care. It's also critical that the data that feeds AI is not collected, used, or shared without one's consent when it may be personally identifiable--which is often not protected under current law. This hearing will give our members a chance to hear from experts and those in the field about how AI is currently being used, as well as what guardrails, like a national data privacy standard, are needed to protect people's privacy."
