Booker and Goldman Push Biden Administration to Address Israeli Settler Violence in the West Bank


Date: Nov. 16, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.
Issues: Foreign Affairs

"As your administration tirelessly works to prevent the expansion of this conflict, we write to specifically highlight the threat that violence in the West Bank -- especially vigilante violence by Israeli settlers -- poses to those efforts, Israel's near-term security, Palestinian human rights, and long-term regional peace.

We strongly believe that a two-state solution remains the only genuine option to achieve a just, secure, and prosperous future for both Israelis and Palestinians. However, settler violence against Palestinian civilians destroys the very seeds of trust and cooperation needed to make progress toward a two-state outcome and an enduring peace in the region. For example, settler violence presents a significant challenge to the viability of the Palestinian Authority (PA), a critical partner for West Bank security, the future of Gaza, and regional peace efforts."
