Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 8, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Chairman, my amendment prohibits any funding from being used by the Office of the Vice President for salaries and other expenses.

Kamala Harris has been a failure as Vice President, from her inability to manage her team effectively, leading to high turnover, to her disastrous job as border czar, where she has failed to secure anything.

Let's look at the numbers. Since the Biden-Harris administration took office, there have been over 6.2 million illegal crossings of our southern border. In September alone, there were 269,735 illegal immigrants encountered at the southern border. That is an increase of over 300 percent since September of 2020.

Customs and Border Protection has seized over 27,000 pounds of fentanyl just in FY23.

There have been 169 people whose names were on the terrorist list stopped while trying to cross the border.

Cartels are making more than $13 billion a year from smuggling people across our border.

The Biden-Harris far-left border policies are to blame for this crisis.

What has this border czar done about it? Nothing. The only thing our Vice President has succeeded at is failing us.

Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Chairman, I am prepared to close.

I am going to tell you something. I am a businessman. The one problem in this country is that southern border down there is wide open. We have folks flooding across that place. We have hot spots all over the world. We have already announced how many terrorists from the watch list we have caught down there.

As a businessman, I look at that and I say, who is in charge of that? That is Vice President Kamala Harris. If you can't change out who is in charge of it, then it is our duty as Representatives to make sure that she doesn't get paid for not doing her job. The American people should no longer be on the hook for Vice President Harris' failures.

Mr. Chair, I urge all my colleagues to adopt this amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time.

