Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 8, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FRY. Mr. Chairman, I rise today to introduce an amendment that prohibits the funding of the Treasury Department's wasteful Climate Hub initiative, which was rolled out by the Biden administration in 2021.

My constituents sent me to Washington to restore fiscal sanity to our Federal Government and get back to the basics. It makes zero sense to have a climate hub under the Treasury Department.

This country is over $33 trillion in debt. Americans are tired of seeing their tax dollars used to bloat and embolden Federal agencies. They are tired of seeing these agencies usurping power to pursue extreme agendas. They are tired of this Biden administration turning a blind eye to address real problems that Americans face while pursuing an agenda that only liberal elites benefit from.

They have loosely defined their so-called climate strategy while pumping billions and billions of dollars into pursuing and enforcing out-of-touch regulations.

Mr. Chairman, as our country sinks deeper and deeper into debt every day, I see no basis for a climate hub to exist in the Department that should be focused on our country's finances. Instead of prioritizing legitimate functions within the Treasury Department, such as promoting economic growth in America, managing our government's finances effectively, and ensuring the soundness of our financial system, Mr. Chairman, the Treasury Department's Climate Hub is just another example of how Democrats and this administration want our Federal Government to grow in scope and power and ignore the core functions of their mission.

Time and time again, we have seen this administration embark upon a rogue spending spree in the name of climate change and apply its own definition of fiscal responsibility to its decisionmaking. Rather than confronting the immediate challenges that face our country, Washington bureaucrats are caught up in their own climate policy echo chamber, and it seems to me that many of them care more about a photo op than enacting sound and well-thought-out policy.

This administration has telegraphed to the American people that climate change is the only threat to our humanity and is more serious than nuclear war. Everyday Americans can see right through the hypocrisy of this administration. I remind everyone that Americans deserve better from their government.

My amendment would put an end to the Treasury Department's wasteful Climate Hub. The United States Treasury has absolutely no reason to use taxpayer funds for this initiative.

I am committed to standing up for fiscal responsibility, and I urge my colleagues to support this amendment.


Mr. FRY. Mr. Chairman, again, I think the basis of this is that we must get back to the basics. The Treasury Department has no basis for undertaking this initiative.


Mr. FRY. Mr. Chairman, we cannot accept that every agency can focus its time and resources on aspects outside of their design and control. If we ever hope to get our economy back on track and our country back on track, we can't continue to allow this administration or the Treasury Department to ignore its core responsibilities.

I am proud to introduce this amendment, and I once again urge my colleagues to support it.

Mr. Chairman, I yield back the balance of my time.

