Scott Leads Colleagues in Bill to Freeze $6 Billion to Iran, Probe Additional Iranian Assets

Press Release

Date: Oct. 17, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"The Biden administration's decision to release $6 billion to Iran -- the world's leading state sponsor of terror -- was a grave mistake that created a market for American hostages, emboldened our adversaries, and put a credit on the balance sheets of one of Hamas's biggest backers. In the wake of Hamas's horrific attacks on Israel, it has only become clearer that this rogue regime cannot be trusted as long they continue to support terrorist organizations. My bill is a comprehensive approach to wielding our economic sanctions tools against Iran by freezing the $6 billion and ensuring Congress has the information necessary to prevent Iran from accessing funds in the future. We must be unequivocal that the United States will not back down and waive sanctions on frozen Iranian funds held by other nations."
