Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 26, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LUNA. Madam Chair, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

The Army Corps has halted beach renourishment projects in Florida due to the perpetual public easement access policy. This is now affecting more than nine counties in Florida where the Corps has refused to renourish our beaches without stripping property rights from every homeowner, an unattainable requirement.

The Corps has renourished Florida's beaches for the past two decades using temporary construction easements to proceed with beach renourishment. The Corps is now going back and enforcing this new policy dating back to 1996, but it has not enforced the same policy for the past two decades. They refuse to address the threat of shore erosion while continuing to watch our beaches disappear before our very eyes.

Numerous members of the Florida delegation have reached out to Assistant Secretary Conner at the Corps to resolve this issue. The unelected bureaucrats at the Army Corps of Engineers have a different agenda. They have stonewalled every single one of us every single step of the way. The Corps has neither followed up nor followed through on proceeding with scheduled beach renourishment projects where we are in dire need due to damage from recent hurricanes.

If the Army Corps does nothing, our beaches will continue to dissipate and our homes will be susceptible to destruction.

The truth is, the Army Corps did not require perpetual easements before, and they do not need them now. The responsibility for the inevitable degradation of Florida beaches, marine life, and economy will rest entirely with the Army Corps of Engineers.

I do not know who the Army Corps works for, but it is clear that it is not the American people. This amendment puts the Army Corps on notice for their shameful neglect of Floridians and forces them to get to work on restoring our beaches.


Mrs. LUNA. Madam Chair, I yield back the balance of my time.

Mrs. LUNA. Madam Chair, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

The Army Corps has halted many beach renourishment projects in Florida. It is now affecting nine counties. Ultimately, in our eyes, this 1996 policy is completely out of date and needs to be defunded.

Obviously we have massive concerns, to include habitat for endangered species in my community; a number of private homeowners that will have their properties destroyed; and, in addition to that, it is going to financially impact our community, as much of our income for that area depends on travel as well as our beaches.

I am asking for support for this amendment. I think that it is something that would benefit not just my constituents, but many of those in Florida.

Madam Chair, I yield back the balance of my time.

