Standing with Israel As It Defends Itself Against the Barbaric War Launched By Hamas and Other Terrorists

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 25, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BURCHETT. Mr. Speaker, let's be honest. If Hamas puts down its guns, peace will happen. If Israel does that, they will be slaughtered.

In these brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists, they have killed over 1,400 Israelis and taken over 200 hostages, including American citizens. I thought it was very telling when I saw a Jewish father on the news celebrating the fact that his daughter had died in the initial attack because he was afraid that she had been abducted and all these horrible, horrible things these dirtbags would have done to her.

We have had a few weeks of discontent here in this body, but today, I think we all stand united with Israel as a body. Israel and the Jewish people have long been targets. Hamas must understand their time is over, and they are about to meet their fate and their maker.

We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel in their fight against these worthless thugs--Hamas, Hezbollah, and any other Iranian- backed terrorist group. Our enemies must know that we are committed to our allies and that our enemies will die.

