Statement of the Hon. Rosa L. DeLauro

Date: April 2, 2006
Location: Stratford, CT

Statement of the Hon. Rosa L. DeLauro

New Contract at Sikorsky Aircraft

- Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn.-3) today issued the following statement upon learning of the new contract agreed to today by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Sikorsky Aircraft. The old labor contract expired seven weeks ago and workers have been on strike while the terms of the new contract were in discussions.

"The rising cost of health care is an issue that concerns every family in this country. Sikorsky workers were rightly concerned about their health care benefits in this new contract. I regret that the company brought the threat of potential replacement workers and the moving of work out-of-state, which gave employees a difficult choice to make. I respect and understand the decision of Sikorsky employees.

"I will continue to press for companies and for our country to do a better job of dealing with rising health care costs."
