Raising A Question of the Privileges of the House

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 3, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. EMMER. Mr. Speaker, Kevin McCarthy has earned this. Under Speaker McCarthy's leadership, our House Republican majority has actually defied all odds and overperformed expectations again and again and again.

It all started with the Speaker's race when our Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, showed the American people how he would never give up. It carried over into the Speaker spearheading a Rules package to create the most transparent, Member-driven legislative process that I have ever seen since I have been here.

Since then, Speaker McCarthy's Republican majority has been successful in bringing common sense back to our Nation's capital by passing legislation to affirm a parents' right to be involved in their child's education, bolster American energy production, fully fund veterans' care and benefits, fight back against the regulatory state, and continue delivering on our promise to rein in Democrats' reckless spending by passing fiscally responsible appropriations bills.

We have also achieved historic conservative wins like passing the strongest border security legislation in history, passing the first Republican-only NDAA in history, and passing the first Republican-only State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill.

So many Americans are better off because of Kevin McCarthy's leadership: American families, jobs creators, entrepreneurs, servicemembers, law enforcement officers, and the list goes on and on. These are just a few of our House Republican majority successes.

Make no mistake, we need Kevin McCarthy to remain Speaker if we are going to stay focused on our mission of delivering commonsense wins for the American people. We have shown Americans what success looks like when we come together as a team.

Now it is time for us to stand together stronger than ever so we can get back to the work our majority was elected to do.

I am proud to support the Speaker as we continue championing conservative priorities that will put our country on a better path. Mr. Speaker, I thank Speaker McCarthy.

