Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2024

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 27, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. TRONE. Mr. Chair, I thank the gentleman from Texas for yielding. Here we are, 3 days from a government shutdown voting again on extreme Republican-led bills that do nothing to prevent it. The ink wasn't even dry on the bipartisan debt ceiling bill deal before Republican leadership reneged on their word, reneged on their promise.

Instead, the bills we are considering this week include disastrous funding cuts and culture war priorities--priorities that apparently play well in fundraising emails but fail to address our Nation's problems like the opioid crisis.

This Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill would dedicate $2 billion in taxpayer money to build a border wall--a 6th century solution to a 21st century problem, especially considering 90 percent of fentanyl comes to the border at legal points of entry driven by American citizens.

As a member of this subcommittee, I find this unbelievable.

Across the board, the Republicans' funding bill undercuts our ability to take care of America today and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

It is about time the Republicans put the needs of the majority over the loud few and pass a government funding bill that meets America's needs.

Campaign season is over.


Mr. TRONE. Campaign season is over. It is time to govern. I urge my colleagues to reject this hyperpartisan bill and pass the bipartisan Senate bill.

