Supporting Autoworkers

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. LEE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the United Auto Workers powering the Big Three and all workers on the front lines in the fight for a future with fair pay, dignity, and the right to benefit from the profits of their hard work currently being hoarded by corporate CEOs.

In 2022, Ford's CEO raked in $21 million, Chrysler's made $24 million, and GM's made $29 million. Right now, the maximum pay for Big Three UAW workers is $66,000. You can't even see the line because that is how little they are paid in comparison to their corporate bosses.

It would take a UAW employee making the maximum salary almost 440 years to make what the CEO of General Motors makes in 1 year. Yet, these CEOs lie that their workers threaten our economy.

Let me be clear: Any company that can afford 40 percent raises for CEOs already raking in millions can afford 40 percent raises for their workers, who our clean energy economy depends on. These workers don't threaten our economy, but CEOs do.

To the Big Three, pay those workers what you owe them. Don't act like you forgot.

Solidarity forever.

