Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today supporting the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.

Why wouldn't I? I deal in a sense of reality. I live in a State that produces automobiles. I live in a State right now that is at risk of having a major disruption due to a strike potential. I have autoworkers who are concerned about their jobs because of the push on EVs that isn't working. We even had one of the major chairmen of the auto companies attempt to take an EV trip across the Nation. They couldn't make it because we don't have the infrastructure available.

Beyond that, H.R. 1435 prevents a waiver for California to effectively ban the internal combustion engine. California's political agenda does not reflect how the rest of America operates, and I would suggest it doesn't reflect what a lot of Californians need.

Look no further than EV sales to know the American people don't want this forced transition. They may like the F-150 Lightning. It is a hot rod, but it doesn't do the job.


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, autoworkers in Michigan also don't want this mandate. Let consumers and innovators in the auto industry guide the future, not California's politicians.

