Condemning the Government of Iran's State-Sponsored Persecution of the Baha'i Minority and its Continued Violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 12, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. DEAN of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H. Res. 492, and I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, while the Congress is rightly concerned about Iran's nefarious nuclear program, its missile proliferation, and its destabilizing activities around the globe, we cannot forget those who continue to struggle for religious freedom and democracy in Iran.

Iran's Baha'i community has long been the target of severe religious persecution by the Iranian regime. Much of its informal leadership has been arrested and many members of the community executed. The Baha'i are not permitted to practice their religion and culture. Their marriages are not recognized, their dead cannot be buried according to Baha'i law, and their cemeteries are desecrated.

In addition, the Baha'i are denied government jobs and business licenses. They are not permitted to enroll in public universities and Baha'i schoolchildren are frequently harassed by classmates, teachers, and administrators.

No human being deserves this type of treatment and certainly not at the hands of their government. As has been noted in this House in the past, the social teaching of the Baha'i faith, such as the equality of women and men, and the principle of each individual's responsibility to investigate the truth, are impossible for theocratic leaders of Iran to comprehend; yet, these are universal values, human values, and they must be protected.

Mr. Speaker, the United States and the international community cannot and will not ignore the systematic and violent attacks against the Iranian Baha'i community, and Tehran must be held accountable.

By passing this resolution, once again, we continue to shine a light on the persecution of the Baha'i, and hopefully move us one step closer to the day that true freedom reaches Iran.

Mr. Speaker, the House of Representatives has passed this resolution in previous Congresses. We will pass this resolution today, and, if needed, we will pass this resolution again in the future.

We stand in solidarity with the persecuted Baha'i minority in Iran and demand the Iranian Government end its intolerable persecution of their people and religion.

Mr. Speaker, I urge unanimous passage of this resolution, and I yield back the balance of my time.

