In Paris, Ways and Means Republicans Caution European Officials Against Rubber Stamping Biden Global Tax Surrender

Press Release

Date: Sept. 2, 2023
Location: Paris, France

"I am from southern West Virginia, and I am a small business owner and as a business owner, two things that always stand out is we want consistency…for Congress, who is the tax-writing body in the U.S. government, the time to engage with this has long passed because there's very little chance that these kinds of things are going to pass until things are renegotiated and concerns are addressed. The project has gotten out of control, and that the U.S. tax base is becoming more of a golden egg to fund foreign governments… I strongly urge that the OECD puts the brakes on rushing the negotiations and to ensure either the GILTI is grandfathered in or that the guidance around the UTPR is drastically scaled back and the U.S. and our companies will not become a source for foreign nations who have driven away competition and innovation through their own draconian domestic policies."
