Foxx Demands Answers on Union Operative's Failure to Disclose Big Labor Ties Ahead of Testifying Before Congress

Press Release

Date: July 17, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.
Issues: Labor Unions

"On September 14, 2022, the Committee on Education and Labor for the 117th Congress held a hearing titled "In Solidarity: Removing Barriers to Organizing,' where Ms. Michelle Eisen testified. On her Truth in Testimony, Ms. Eisen represented herself exclusively as a Starbucks barista. … It has come to the attention of the Committee on Education and the Workforce for the 118th Congress (Committee) that Workers United employed Ms. Eisen in 2022.

If Workers United had an employment relationship with Ms. Eisen, there was no indication provided of said relationship. … Congressional hearings are an essential part of the legislative process. Information provided by witnesses at hearings has the potential to influence legislation and inform public discourse. Therefore, transparency in these matters is critical."
