NEWS: More Than 13,000 Vermonters Join Telephone Town Meeting on Flood Disaster Response with Sanders, Welch, Balint, Scott, and Agency Leaders

Press Release

Date: July 28, 2023
Location: Washington, D.C.

"I don't have to explain to anyone who has been impacted by the flooding as to what that means. It has disrupted people's lives -- driven them out of their homes and businesses and run up huge bills which many people simply cannot afford. Pure and simple: This has been a disaster for thousands of Vermonters. Let me just thank everybody who got on the line for this town meeting -- the Vermonters who have asked the questions, the Governor, Sen. Welch, Congresswoman Balint, and all the folks at the federal and state agencies. Bottom line here is that we are going to have to all stick together, work together, and get out of this crisis as best we can and as soon as we can."
