
Floor Speech

Date: July 26, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I have but a few minutes to speak to my colleagues and to the Senator from Alabama, but, more important, to the American people. I have only minutes, but the damage of this hold will be years. Be aware, America. Be angry, America, as I am angry, as a member of the Armed Services Committee, as a dad of two veterans--a Marine Corps officer who served in Afghanistan and a Navy SEAL who served during these last 20 years. And all of the veterans of America who are angry that our U.S. military is being used as a political pawn, is held hostage; that brave, determined professionals who want to lead and take our military to the fight that lies ahead--they are in limbo. And it isn't just the 273. It is all who report to them, all who depend on them, all who look to them for leadership.

I had breakfast this morning with the Acting Commandant, General Smith, of the U.S. Marine Corps. For the first time in 100 years, the U.S. Marine Corps has no Commandant.

Vice Admiral Franchetti, who was chosen to lead the Navy, the first woman to be in that position, has been held hostage.

Gen. Charles Brown, uniquely accomplished aviator and leader, unable to assume his responsibility as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

And under them, men and women like Lt. Gen. James Bierman, nominated to be Lieutenant General of the United States Marine Corps and Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, Operations; and Maj. Gen. Bradford Gering, to be a Lieutenant General in the United States Marine Corps and Deputy Commandant, Aviation.

These men have served 35 years.

Maj. Gen. Gregory Masiello, to be Lieutenant General of the United States Marine Corps and Director, Defense Contract Management Agency.

These men and women have put their careers, their lives, their families on the line, and now they are waiting because our colleague from Alabama wants to make a political point. He has a political policy, and he is using these military nominees as pawns and hostages. It is nothing short, in effect, of an assault on our U.S. military.

So nothing I say here may persuade him, but what is happening is a travesty and a tragedy for our Nation, because it undermines not just our readiness now but our recruitment in the future.

The Marine Corps is the only service that is making its recruitment goals. The Army, the Navy, the Air Force, all are down significantly. And this action, which disgracefully and shamefully puts our readiness at risk and serious danger, also undermines our ability to attract the best and the brightest in this country as our military has always done. It is the reason we have the greatest military in the world.

We have all of the weapons systems. We have the kinds of hardware that we need. But, most importantly, we need the great men and women who will be discouraged by this action by the Senator from Alabama.

So I plead with him; but, most important, I ask the American people to be aware and be angry, as we all should be. And I hope that my colleagues will join the American people in persuading him that this kind of hold is shameful and disgraceful and should be rejected.

