Mount Salem American Baptist Church Celebrates 151 Years

Floor Speech

Date: July 25, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLOUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate Mount Salem American Baptist Church on its remarkable 151st anniversary this year. This amazing milestone is a true testament to God's grace toward his people, as well as the unwavering faith, fellowship, and dedication of the congregation and its leaders throughout the years.

Founded in 1872, the church began in Indianola as the Mount Salem American Baptist Free Mission Church. Soon after its founding, the church was sadly hit by 2 major hurricanes in 1875 and 1886, destroying the church's building. Yet with faith in God's providence, the congregation endured and continued the ministry. Led by Reverend Robert Greer, 20 church members moved to Victoria, bringing with them the pulpit, bell, and some of the salvaged lumber from the original church building to start anew--where the congregation reestablished and pressed forward in the mission. With that perseverance came God's guidance and blessing. The church continued to grow over the years and was eventually renamed as Mount Salem American Baptist Church in 1939. In 1962, the church moved to another new building, where they still prominently display the original bell and pulpit used by the founding members.

To this day, Mount Salem American Baptist Church has touched countless lives in the Victoria community through its selfless acts of service. Through outreach programs, compassionate ministries, and social initiatives, the church has been a steadfast advocate for the greater community, serving their neighbors for over a century.

But more than any building, program, or person, Mount Salem's anniversary milestone is a testament to God's enduring faithfulness toward his people. Through both triumph and trial, it is clear that the Lord has provided the path and made clear His purpose.

Mr. Speaker, congratulations to Mount Salem American Baptist Church on this incredible day. May God continue to bless and keep them in the days and years ahead.

