Impact of Gun Violence in America

Floor Speech

Date: July 25, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. CHERFILUS-McCORMICK. Madam Speaker, I rise today as a voice for Floridians whose lives have been tragically cut short by the gun violence epidemic that is ravaging our communities.

In 2020, an alarming statistic emerged. Guns became the leading cause of death among children and teenagers in the United States, claiming more lives than car accidents, cancer, or drug overdoses.

This year alone, the United States has experienced over 400 mass shootings. My home State of Florida accounts for at least 20 of these. South Florida is no stranger to gun violence. Over what should have been a peaceful Memorial Day weekend this year, a total of nine people were shot on the Hollywood boardwalk. Four of them were kids.

Yet, in the face of these incidents, we have witnessed a persistent denial among Republicans. In Florida, the extreme GOP State legislature is making it easier, not harder, for individuals to purchase guns.

It is maddening to watch as lives are needlessly taken and families are torn apart. How have we let this become our new normal? How have we not curbed this epidemic? How have we not acted?

We have a collective responsibility to build upon the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and implement commonsense measures to keep weapons out of the hands of those who pose a danger to others. The bipartisan law is essential in curbing the gun violence epidemic and safeguarding our loved ones, but we cannot stop there.

Now is the time for us to unite across party lines and work collectively to find real solutions. We must prioritize the safety of our communities by implementing responsible gun control measures, providing mental health resources, and dismantling the cycle of violence.

Let us seize the opportunity to create a safe America where all families can thrive without the looming shadow of gun violence. I ask all members of this caucus and all Members of the Florida delegation to stand with us to make sure that we can end this gun violence epidemic.

