Governor Kay Ivey Announces State Settlement in Case of Bibb County Deputy Sheriff Brad Johnson

Press Release

By: Kay Ivey
By: Kay Ivey
Date: July 5, 2023
Location: Montgomery, AL

"Fundamental flaws in Alabama law granting correctional incentive "good time' to inmates failed Deputy Johnson and his family. On January 9, I issued an executive order to halt the deficiencies in correctional good time that allowed inmates reduced prison sentences and early release despite records of violent behavior and escape.

"On April 14, I was also proud to sign into law SB1, which codifies further reforms to correctional good time to ensure that convicted felons no longer access loopholes in the law to threaten law enforcement and the public.

"Alabama stands behind our law enforcement personnel and we must do all we can to ensure they are afforded every protection under the law to safely do their jobs."
