Let's Save the Family Farm

Floor Speech

Date: July 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. SALINAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of my bill, Insuring Fairness for Family Farmers Act.

Crop insurance is one of the best tools farmers have against bad weather, natural disasters, and volatile markets. Unfortunately, specialty crops consistently lag behind commodity crops in coverage levels, and small farms are less likely than large farms to have crop insurance.

That is why I am introducing the Insuring Fairness for Family Farmers Act, a bill that would incentivize crop insurance agents to cover small and specialty crop farmers like ours in Oregon.

More than 33 percent of all Oregon farms are small farms, compared to 13 percent of farms in the U.S. And my growers have been clear about the challenges the current system creates for them.

As we write the farm bill, Congress has a rare opportunity and a responsibility to ensure small family farms have their interest prioritized by giving them the tools they need to remain in production.

Let's save the family farm.

