Underserved Rural Communities

Floor Speech

Date: July 20, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. CARAVEO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of rural families, families who work hard every day, play by the rules, and deserve the very same access to opportunity as every other American.

Despite advancements in many other areas, our rural communities lag behind, underserved with bad cell service and internet service, fewer options for healthcare and schools, and insufficient investment for small businesses.

No one should have fewer opportunities just because of where they live. I am working from all angles to beef up support for rural communities: from mental health support with Representative Finstad's and my Rural Wellness Act to improving childcare access with my and Representative Gluesenkamp Perez's bipartisan rural childcare bill; to helping farmers with disabilities with my and Representative Molinaro's agriculture accessibility bill; to connecting communities with investments they need with my and Representative Fischbach's Investing in Rural America Act.

I am proud to work on a bipartisan basis with so many of our colleagues who share the understanding of how vital our rural communities are to all of our lives and look forward to collaborating on this year's farm bill.

