Schools Not Shelters Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 18, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ranking member for yielding time.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this so-called Schools Not Shelters Act, which should be called the shutting out students act to reflect what this cruel legislation actually does. It would punish public schools and colleges and their students for showing humanity.

This is the second time in less than a month that the majority is bringing legislation to the floor that discriminates against and scapegoats vulnerable people based on their identity. It is the continuation of a trend that, unfortunately, we have seen in this Congress.

Republicans claim that there is a crisis in American education, but their legislation on the floor today would deepen disparities rather than improve public education.

I am disheartened by the continued attempts by my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to delegitimize public schools, the only schools that are required to serve everyone and turn no one away.

Mr. Speaker, public schools are often used as shelters. I hope this bill does not become law, but if it did, what would public schools have to do--check everyone for citizenship before offering shelter to those in need?

I point out if this bill were to become law and schools lost Federal funding because of it, that hurts students--not the people making the decision; the students.

Title I funding, for example, is designed to help schools with high populations of low-income students. Title II supports professional development for educators. IDEA helps students with disabilities. Losing any of that funding would be detrimental to students and educators for showing humanity toward those in need. I urge my colleagues to check their values before they vote on this.

Mr. Speaker, I came to Congress to improve public education and to help all students succeed in school and in college and in life. I have said repeatedly in committee hearings and in this Chamber, I am ready to come to the table with my colleagues and work on serious solutions to the challenges faced by students and their families.

Mr. Speaker, I know the ranking member talked about gun violence in schools. When I was home in June, a student said to me, I only have one more week of school, and then it means I got through the whole year without getting shot. Mr. Speaker, that is what is on students' minds. That is what they are concerned about.

Mr. Speaker, the so-called Schools Not Shelters Act is not a serious solution. I urge my colleagues to reject this harmful legislation.

Mr. Speaker, I want to note that words matter.

Mr. Speaker, again, this is not a serious solution to the challenges facing our schools today. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to reject this harmful legislation.

