Welcoming President Herzog of Israel

Floor Speech

Date: July 18, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LANDSMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to welcome President Herzog of Israel to the Capitol tomorrow.

Israel is a critical partner of ours and essential to our national security. It is one of the most inclusive and progressive democracies in the world with high voter turnout, a diverse legislature, a Pride event in Tel Aviv that is one of the biggest Pride events in the world.

We must continue to grow our special relationship with Israel.

We also know that the path to peace and security and a two-state outcome will be a strong governing authority in the West Bank and then Gaza. This will help get the mostly Iranian-backed terror groups out of the West Bank. The key will be for European and Arab nations to help our Palestinian friends establish this legitimate governing authority.

With this, we will be on an historic path toward peace and better lives for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Again, I welcome President Herzog. We are so glad he is here, and I hope that this unique and special relationship between our countries continues to grow stronger and stronger all in our effort to promote peace and prosperity around the world.

