Relating to the Consideration of H. Res. Impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Floor Speech

Date: June 22, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding.

I find it fascinating to listen to someone who lives in the Northeast, in a nice enclave protected from the border, stand up and say nothing about this is serious. Tell that to the victims of this border-crossing invasion. Tell that to them. They say: Oh, all the fentanyl is being stopped at the border.

It is just incredible.

What is going on between the ports of entry? Sure, we catch it at the ports of entry. Why? We have massive amounts of resources there. Between the ports of entry are wide open spaces.

The last time I was down there--when was the last time you were there? I go down often. I live in Arizona. I get down to the border.

The last time I was there, we were driving along and didn't see Border Patrol for miles. Do you know what we came upon? We came upon 21 individuals.

There is no town. There is no village. We asked them how they got here. The coyotes dropped us off and told us keep walking north. In that group were two babies under the age of 1 year.

I am telling you, this is a result of the dereliction of duty that has put this country in jeopardy. That is why this needs to go to the Committee on Homeland Security, so they can further investigate this. That is why it needs to be there.

Laugh if you will. That is the reality. You don't appreciate the seriousness of this, the gravity of it.

Laugh at it if you will, but you get to go to the angel families and explain to them why their kid or a member of their family was killed by an illegal alien who came into this country. You get to go to the parents.

You get to go to the parents of individuals who have lost their lives due to the fentanyl that you apparently claim is all being interdicted. It is dangerous. We have terrorists and criminal gang members coming in.

