Gun Violence Awareness Month

Floor Speech

Date: June 22, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. TOKUDA. Madam Speaker, 17-year-old Richianna Deguzman was supposed to start her first job this week. Instead, she is on life support fighting for her life because of a senseless and tragic act of gun violence.

While Hawaii has some of the strongest gun safety laws, Richianna's family and friends know it is not enough. Right now they are praying for a miracle and pleading for an end to gun violence.

The sad reality is that there are thousands of Richiannas every day across this country--kids who deserve better than a Congress more beholden to the gun lobby than to protecting them.

For too long, Congress has ignored the majority of Americans who want the killing to stop. We cannot sit idly by as Americans continue to live in fear.

Last week, I joined my colleagues in signing discharge petitions to demand House votes on several gun safety measures.

At the same time, House Republicans pushed through a measure to weaken regulations on stabilizing braces for firearms, an accessory used in several mass shootings across our country over the last decade.

Enough is enough. We demand an end to gun violence and a safer future for our ``keiki,'' ``kids.''

