Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act

Floor Speech

Date: June 13, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Chairman, I thank the chair for yielding.

Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support of H.R. 1615 and in support of our gas stoves.

Across southern Michigan, people--including chefs in my district and, most importantly, my wife--are bewildered by the attacks on gas stoves, and many can't wrap their heads around it.

Here is the deal: a climate group with deep ties to the CCP published a questionable study on gas stoves. President Biden's climate czar and Energy Secretary have met with this group, and despite the group's deep ties to the CCP, American taxpayer dollars continue to be funneled to them.

Shortly after publication of the study, a Consumer Product Safety Commission member said that a gas stove ban was ``on the table.''

Let's be clear. The House is not going to stand by while the administration continues to restrict the freedoms of Americans, undermine energy security, and make life even more costly for families.

About 40 percent of Americans are utilizing gas stoves, and we are not going to restrict our own freedom because a group connected to the CCP would like us to.

Natural gas is safe, it is reliable, and it is affordable for millions of Americans. Natural gas makes America strong, resilient, provides stability, and has been the key factor in cleaning up our environment unlike other nations.

Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues to vote ``yes'' to support our freedom, energy security, and a prosperous future.

