Senator Warren Urges FCC to Block Standard General-Tegna Deal

Press Release

Date: May 18, 2023
Location: Washington, DC

"As I warned in January 2023, this common ownership will reduce the number of competitors that can place spots on television for advertisers, produce programming for television audiences, and employ workers in the television industry. The deal also risks higher prices for cable, satellite, and other television customers across the nation as a result of increased broadcast television retransmission consent fees.


The FCC's evaluation of the Standard General-Tegna merger has been consistent with the agency's legal authority and obligations … The Bureau acted consistently with agency precedent, which makes clear that the public interest analysis includes consideration of "harms to consumer welfare from artificial increases in retransmission fees, and harms to broadcast localism through cuts to local journalism and news staffing.'


I continue to be concerned that a Standard General (Apollo)-TEGNA merger would have negative effects on competition between broadcast television stations for advertisers, prices for television services that retransmit broadcast station programming, and labor. I appreciate your thorough review of this potential deal and am seeking to better understand the FCC's review process."
