Debt Ceiling Crisis

Floor Speech

Date: May 25, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CASAR. Mr. Speaker, I am Greg Casar. I am a brand new Member of Congress representing Texas, and I am standing over here on the Republican side of the aisle; not because I am a Republican, I am a Democrat. I want the American people to see that there aren't any Republicans in the seats here behind me on the eve of our default.

Where are the Republicans?

This is not a simple political disagreement. This is a dire crisis being imposed on the working people of America.

The American people could lose millions of jobs. You could lose your house. Your kids could lose their jobs. People could lose their savings. They aren't even here.

They want to burn the House down and blame the firefighters for the flames. They are listening to Donald Trump who is saying: Do a default. That is shameful. It is dangerous. There is no patriotism in this. There is no morality in this.

We just need five Republicans to sign the discharge petition with us to save the American people. We need the American people to speak up about why the Republicans are not in these empty chairs.

The American people can save us. The Democrats are aligned and ready to avoid a default and make sure that billionaires pay their fair share and folks aren't kicked off their healthcare or deprived of food.

