Fentanyl Deaths in Oregon Tripled Since 2019

Floor Speech

Date: May 24, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. CHAVEZ-DeREMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 467, the HALT Fentanyl Act.

Oregon teenagers are dying from drug overdoses at a faster rate than any other State. In fact, adolescent overdose deaths have more than tripled in Oregon since 2019. It is because dangerous amounts of fentanyl and fentanyl-laced pills are flooding our streets.

Last year in my district, law enforcement seized enough fentanyl powder to kill the entire population of Oregon in just one single drug bust.

Mr. Speaker, I believe we must take a two-pronged approach to tackling the fentanyl crisis: Support law enforcement and enact tough- on-crime policies.

That is why I am proud to cosponsor the HALT Fentanyl Act, which accomplishes both of these goals by permanently classifying fentanyl- related substances as schedule I drugs.

I urge my colleagues to support this lifesaving legislation.

