Recognizing the Ypsilanti Community Choir's 40th Anniversary

Floor Speech

Date: May 11, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Ypsilanti Community Choir on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their founding. The contributions they have made to the culture of the city of Ypsilanti is worthy of commendation.

The Ypsilanti Community Choir was founded in 1983 by Denise Rae Zellner, who originally needed a small choral group for her acting group, the Ypsilanti Players. The Choir quickly outgrew that supporting roll, and by March of 1984 nearly 60 musicians stood on the stage at Holy Trinity Chapel for their first official performance.

For the last 40 years, the Ypsilanti Community Choir has participated in special events in and around the city, like the Harvest Festival and sidewalk caroling during the holiday season. Residents of the local Senior Living Communities have been blessed with countless performances, drastically improving their quality of life. The Choir also sings the national anthem at basketball games for Eastern Michigan University, as well as Memorial Day ceremonies at the local Washtenaw Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

All of these events, large and small, help foster a sense of community in the city of Ypsilanti. Dozens of different voices, working together for a singular purpose, and the end result being more beautiful than any one of them could accomplish alone. The Choir is an excellent example of what we need to do on the local, state, and national level, and what we can accomplish if we work together with a common goal.

Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me today in celebrating the founding of the Ypsilanti Community Choir. For 40 years, they have been making the city of Ypsilanti a more vibrant and welcoming place for all residents. We thank them for their contributions to this great city, and I cannot wait till the next time I get to hear those voices ring.

