Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023

Floor Speech

Date: April 26, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BICE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023.

Like any family, Republicans are proposing living within our means, not continuing to rack up a balance on American taxpayers' credit card. In contrast, President Biden has unilaterally spent $1.5 trillion on over 800 executive actions.

My colleagues want to quote the former President. Let me quote President Biden; a direct quote from 2012. He said securing a deal with Republicans was a ``great honor.'' He hasn't bothered to come to the negotiating table, Mr. Speaker. What has changed?

The three main pillars of this legislation will benefit hardworking Americans by limiting Federal spending, saving taxpayer dollars, and growing the economy.

I am especially pleased to see key energy provisions included in this package. The best way to lower prices is to cut spending and unleash American energy, allowing States like Oklahoma to power our Nation.

Cutting bureaucratic red tape is especially important for energy producers who have dealt with stifling regulations at the hands of President Biden.


Mrs. BICE. Mr. Speaker, America is $31 trillion in debt, and the American people are demanding solutions. The White House says, show me your proposal, and we can negotiate.

Well, Mr. President, it is time to come to the table and do so in good faith. We must get this done.

I urge all of my colleagues to support this effort.

