Singing the Praises of Jennifer Wickre

Floor Speech

Date: April 19, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman very much for his leadership.

Today, we recognize a key congressional staffer who has served us on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Jenn Wickre.

She has faithfully served both a Member of Congress and the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee for more than 16 years.

Often in Washington, people hear the phrases: No, we can't do that. That is too hard. No, that can't be done. No, we just can't do that.

But that has never been an experience anyone I know has had working with Jenn.

She has always been such an amazing help to our staff and to our efforts to properly serve the American people.

If our staff or I have ever brought tough issues before the committee, we never heard her sigh, roll her eyes, or do any of the things that somebody might do with some of my crazy ideas. She just jumped right in and figured out a way to get us to where we needed to go. You have got to love it, Mr. Speaker.

I have had amendments that have made it into bills strictly because of Jenn's leadership and her hard work; otherwise, they would have just gone nowhere. It is just the special touch that she had.

She always found a way to help members on the committee so they could best serve their districts and their constituents, and often it was in a bipartisan manner, which is not easy to come by around this place.

Congressional staff are truly the unsung heroes and heroines of this institution. Without them the legislative wheels would grind to a halt, and that is a fact.

Jenn Wickre is one of those heroines.

Mr. Speaker, our thoughts and prayers go out to this wonderful lady and her family.

God bless Jenn, and God bless America.

