On MSNBC: Cortez Masto Rips Abortion Pill Court Ruling

Press Release

Date: April 10, 2023
Location: Unkown
Issues: Abortion

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) joined MSNBC's Inside with Jen Psaki to discuss the dire consequences of a federal judge in Texas ruling to limit access to the abortion pill across the country. Cortez Masto raised the alarm about far-right extremists' efforts to ban the abortion pill nationwide with earlier this year.

"This is a concerted effort they have had to really erode and take back women's rights in this country -- and this is about our freedom," said Senator Cortez Masto. "It's starting with the repeal of Roe vs. Wade. Now they're taking away a key a drug that women need with their doctors to make these decisions. And it's not just about abortion. It's about when there is a miscarriage. The next step is contraception -- going after women's rights when it comes to our reproductive freedom and the need for contraception…and we have to be vigilant."

You can watch the interview HERE.

Senator Cortez Masto has been fierce advocate for women's reproductive rights. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Senator Cortez Masto introduced the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act of 2022 to ensure legal protections for women traveling across state lines to receive reproductive care. She has urged the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to protect the data privacy of women seeking reproductive health care and introduced legislation to make sure women across the country have access to affordable over-the-counter birth control. Just last month she took on one of the nation's biggest pharmaceutical wholesalers to ensure Nevadans can access the abortion pill in retail pharmacies, including Walgreens.
