Denouncing the Closure of the Washington Bureau of Nj Advance Media

Floor Speech

Date: April 18, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to condemn the decision to shut down the last Washington, D.C.-based bureau for New Jersey media.

In March, NJ Advance Media closed its Washington news bureau forever. It was the last Washington news bureau to focus on New Jersey-related content.

This closure robs New Jersey readers of critical political information, and it undermines the media outlet's responsibility to keep its readers informed.

Now, New Jersey readers will not know how congressional funding benefits their communities, and they will not know how they will be affected by legislation and possible political corruption.

The bureau had one reporter, the excellent Jonathan Salant, so it was a cost-effective way to provide this information. Instead, NJAM betrayed the very purpose of a news outlet to increase the bottom line.

I hope NJAM will reopen this bureau soon and provide effective coverage of national politics to its New Jersey readers.

