Parents Bill of Rights Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 23, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ADERHOLT. Madam Chair, when a mother or a father drops their child off at school in the morning, they should not have to wonder what that child will hear, read, see, or learn that day. Families should feel confident in the American education system, and when they sense that there is a problem, they deserve the right to have a voice, and for that voice to be heard.

Parents deserve the right to know what is being taught. There are too many classrooms in America that take time away from reading, science, mathematics, and arts; and give that time to inappropriate, age- inappropriate explicit sexual education, historically inaccurate critical race theory, and fluid gender ideology.

Parents are the ones most invested in their child's education--you will not find someone with more stake in--or more long-term influence on--the success of a child, and research continually shows that parental involvement yields measurable and consistent success.

Furthermore, it is our most vulnerable students who often suffer the most when schools focus on agendas other than academic success. Minority and lower income children are too often trapped in under- performing schools, vulnerable to the ideological agenda of the left infiltrating their curriculum and falling victim to the education establishment's monopoly system.

This important legislation directly identifies and protects the rights that parents inherently hold.

As Chair of the House Values Action Team, as a Representative for the Fourth Congressional District of Alabama, and most importantly, as a father of two, I support the Parents Bill of Rights and urge its passage. This legislation matters, because children matter, and parents matter.

