Parents Bill of Rights Act

Floor Speech

Date: March 23, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. MILLS. Mr. Chairman, I rise today to state the obvious: There is no room for woke ideologies, sexualization of our children, and CRT in our classrooms.

The legislation before us makes a few things clear, but the main point is this: Parents' rights matter. American citizens rose up and demanded a seat at the table when it comes to their child's education and curriculum, and they did that by electing a GOP majority in the House.

I thank our leadership for bringing this legislation to the floor, and as a father, I want to make it a priority that we state that parents can and should protect their children. This bill ensures parents have a voice. It is time to show the American people we stand with parents, not educational bureaucrats who want to restrict our understanding and visibility of the issues.

These parents are not to be labeled as domestic terrorists. They are proud parents who want their children to succeed and not to be indoctrinated.

Mr. Chair, I stand in great support of H.R. 5.

