Recognizing the Life and Service of Noah Daniels

Floor Speech

Date: March 14, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. POSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the life and service of a true American patriot, Mr. Noah Daniels.

Born during the post-Great War peace, Mr. Daniels lived a quiet life until World War II began. Wanting to serve, Mr. Daniels desired to join the military, but at his mother's direction, he entered tech school.

For hands-on training, Mr. Daniels was sent to Ft. Knox where he later entered the civil service. This proved fortuitous, as Mr. Daniels was instrumental in preparing General Patton's tanks to secure a victory over Germany's feared Desert Fox, Rommel.

Following his time at Ft. Knox, Mr. Daniels joined the Navy and then the Coast Guard, serving throughout North America and the Pacific on several ships, including the USS Ingham.

Notably, during his time in the Coast Guard, Mr. Daniels designed the `chain stop' to help with servicing the marker buoys in inland waterways--a design later patented by the Coast Guard and used throughout the U.S. fleet. The ingenuity and work ethic necessary to create the chain stop led to Mr. Daniels' promotion to First Class Petty Officer.

After completing his military service in 1964, Mr. Daniels moved to Central Florida where he and his family live today. Mr. Daniels is the proud father of former Congresswoman Sandy Adams, a good friend to Katie and I, who previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and the United States Air Force.

I ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating Noah Daniels, a man of renowned honor, courage, and patriotism as he approaches his 100th birthday on June 30, 2023. May his next trip around the sun be his best one yet.

Happy birthday, my friend.

