Inflation is Devastating to Americans

Floor Speech

Date: March 9, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CLOUD. Will the gentleman yield?


Mr. CLOUD. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Arizona for his efforts to always pull the curtain back on the games and gimmicks that Washington plays sometimes and to bring creative ideas to the table on how to fix things. I appreciate it, and I thank him for yielding to me.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of Goliad County Sheriff Deputy and Operation Lone Star Task Force Commander John Davis, who passed away this Monday.

A man of faith, integrity, and relentless dedication, John served the great State of Texas for 40 years during his law enforcement career. His career stretched over a variety of roles in local, State, and Federal agencies, and because of this, John became known as one of Texas' most distinguished law enforcement officers.

Commander Davis helped lead the effort to locate and arrest the Texas Seven escapees back in 2000. In 2022, due to his long track record of success, John was selected to command the newly formed Operation Lone Star Task Force. Most recently, Commander Davis oversaw a successful multiagency operation in Wharton and Jackson counties to combat human and drug trafficking cartels and their criminal invasion into Texas.

Throughout his life, Commander Davis gave his all and gave all he had to protect our families and our communities and to make our State a safer place to live.

While we mourn his passing, we know that he lived a life well lived and that he has gone on to his reward. May his service be an example for all of us in years to come and may God bless and his peace be with his family. Remembering Claud Jacobs


Mr. CLOUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of a true hero of the Crossroads, Mr. Claud Jacobs.

A native of Yoakum and Victoria, Texas, Claud lived a life of extraordinary service to his community. His life's motto, ``You always get back more than you give'' guided him through public service in the Governor's office and in starting multiple businesses that helped his neighbors.

Claud's faith in our savior Jesus Christ led him to be a friend to all, dedicating his time to training young people in his community.

In 1968, his passion for at-risk youth led him to help found the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch and raise millions of dollars through charity events.

For his extraordinary work, in 1986 Claud Jacobs was knighted as a Knight of Saint Gregory by Pope John Paul II.

Claud was a friend to everyone in our community, it seems, and I know he was a friend of mine. We will miss his optimism, his warmth, and his can-do spirit.

May God bless his family as we remember him and his legacy.

