Governor Reynolds, IEDA Announce $2 Million in Manufacturing 4.0 Funding


Date: Feb. 15, 2023

Today, Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) announced that Iowa will be investing an additional $2 million in the Manufacturing 4.0 Technology Investment Program to enhance productivity, efficiency and competitiveness in Iowa's largest industry. The program helps small- to mid-size Iowa manufacturers invest in the adoption and integration of smart technologies with grant funding made available through the federal American Rescue Plan Act.

"The Manufacturing 4.0 grant program is doing exactly what we intended -- helping businesses grow and compete amid a rapidly changing landscape," said Gov. Reynolds. "Manufacturers are using these grants to increase productivity, train workers, improve safety, and cut costs. We now have the opportunity to help more manufacturers invest in technology to support their workforce, promote competition, and ensure future growth."
