Shuster Honored for Reducing Taxes, Pro-Growth Policies

Date: April 5, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Shuster Honored for Reducing Taxes, Pro-Growth Policies

Washington, DC - Congressman Bill Shuster received the "Spirit of Enterprise" award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for his strong support for a pro-growth legislative agenda. In the Capitol, Chamber President and CEO Thomas Donohue presented Congressman Shuster with the award.

"Bill is a leader who has fought for legislation to spur job creation, increase productivity and keep our economy growing," Donohue said. "We're proud to present him with this award on behalf of America's businesses, both large and small."

The Chamber awards the "Spirit of Enterprise" based on rankings it gives members of Congress for key votes on economic growth, reducing taxes, stopping frivolous lawsuits, making America energy independent, and other fiscally sound policies. Congressman Shuster received a score of 93 out of 100 for the first session of Congress, which ranks him among the highest in the Pennsylvania delegation and in all of the House of Representatives.

"I appreciate receiving this honor from the Chamber of Commerce - an organization committed to moving our economy forward in a fiscally responsible way. In central and western Pennsylvania we've seen some good economic news lately, and it's partly due to these policies," said Shuster, a member of the Small Business Committee. "There's more work to do for our area, and I remain committed to enacting more pro-growth, tax reducing policies. I'm thankful to the Chamber for this award and their hard work."
