Terminating Cdc Requirement for Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination for Foreign Travelers

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 8, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I rise today in support of H.R. 185.

As a physician, I do support the science, and the previous speaker is on the wrong side of it. He is ignoring the science.

It is unfortunate but not surprising that the Biden administration is failing to acknowledge the foolishness of requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination for international travelers.

We know that while the current COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe disease and death, they don't provide sterilizing immunity and prevent vaccinated individuals from becoming infected or from transmitting COVID-19.

I want to say that I am vaccinated. I wish everyone would be.

Thus, continuing to impose this vaccine mandate causes unnecessary harm to our Nation's tourism industry, which has already suffered for more than 3 years. Beyond that, it damages our image as a nation whose laws and policies are guided by the principles of freedom and backed by science.

President Biden's continued insistence that international visitors be vaccinated appears to be virtue signaling, in my view, because the scientific evidence does not support the claim that vaccination prevents the spread of the virus.

Our neighbors in Canada and Mexico, our allies across the Atlantic in the U.K. and France, and many more countries around the world are declining to require proof of vaccination for international travelers.

In addition to ignoring the needs of business and communities that rely on tourism, these requirements make us look ludicrous on the world stage.

For example, last year, we blocked the number one-ranked tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, from entering the country to compete in the U.S. Open. Do we really think that blocking one individual from the country is going to have any real impact on the spread of COVID-19?

I strongly believe COVID-19 vaccines are safe and very effective at reducing harmful effects of the virus. Again, I recommend vaccination, but it is nonsensical that we are driving away foreign nationals who want to compete, visit loved ones, conduct business, or simply take in the amazing sites our country has to offer. That is why I support this legislation and why I believe the U.S. needs to lift this requirement now.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to the amendment.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

This legislation is targeted to COVID-19, and has nothing to do with other diseases.

Further, CDC does not have clear authority to mandate vaccination requirements. The order referenced in legislation is implementing a Presidential proclamation and not a standing authority that CDC has.

Further, almost every single one of CDC's overreaches in authority have been challenged. CDC is still fighting for their ability to require masks in public transit stations in court. They are still fighting that.

Why would we adopt this amendment and signal that they have authority to mandate vaccinations in the future?

I urge a ``no'' vote on this amendment, and I yield to the primary sponsor of the underlying legislation, the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. Massie).


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of my time.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to the amendment.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, it is clear that the Biden administration has pushed its authorities past reasonable interpretation during the COVID- 19 pandemic.

With everything from eviction moratoriums and student loan forgiveness to vaccine and mask mandates being challenged and defeated in court, it is clear that the Biden administration needs the oversight of Congress.

The prohibition on rulemaking makes sure the CDC cannot impose a future COVID-19 vaccine requirement on international travelers and that the Biden administration would need to come to Congress for CDC to take such action in the future.

H.R. 185 is a commonsense bill. As President Biden himself has stated: The ``pandemic is over.'' And, as he announced last week, the White House would end the current COVID-19 public health emergency effective May 11, 2023.

We are currently one of the only countries still requiring any such vaccine mandate. The CDC itself has also acknowledged the vaccine does not prevent transmission. Why then are we still requiring a vaccine to enter our borders for legal travelers? Again, reminding everyone that for illegal travelers entering across the southern border, we are not requiring it.

Mr. Chair, I urge a ``no'' vote on this amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to the amendment.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I want to reiterate, as a physician, I believe the vaccines are safe and effective, and I would hope that people can make the personal choice to get vaccinated. It should be just that, their personal choice, not the choice of the Federal Government.

The CDC itself has acknowledged the vaccine does not prevent transmission, so termination of this burdensome and unnecessary mandate should not play any role in the increase in hospitalizations.

Based on the current science and what we know regarding how COVID-19 spreads, any individual person should have the right to choose whether to get the vaccine or not.

Further, we have seen that President Biden and Secretary Becerra are unwilling to relinquish any power or authority from the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving in order ridiculous guidance long past the date indicated it is necessary or useful. I have no doubt Secretary Becerra would refuse to certify this, so a vote for this amendment would delay or even prevent totally the repeal of this ridiculous mandate.

Mr. Chair, I urge a ``no'' vote on this amendment, and I yield back the balance of my time.


Mr. BUCSHON. Mr. Chair, I move that the committee now rise.

The motion was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Committee rose; and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Massie) having assumed the chair, Mr. Kiley, Chair of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, reported that that Committee, having had under consideration the bill (H.R. 185) to terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers, and for other purposes, had come to no resolution thereon.

