Protecting America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve From China Act

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 12, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the gentlewoman from Washington on her chairmanship.

Before the Biden administration's war on American energy, America was increasingly dominant in energy production producing a surplus--a surplus.

Exceeding demand usually means that you can have lower prices because you are providing supply that exceeds demand, and then when we have more supply, we can export. We can export to our allies at prices that actually compete with the OPEC cartel on the open market. That is what American energy dominance can do.

My colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to keep pushing green energy initiatives such as wind and solar. I think those are groovy technologies.

Guess what, Mr. Speaker?

You cannot export renewable energy. You can export oil and gas in order to lower prices and increase stability for our friends in Europe who are more reliant on Vladimir Putin for their energy.

Do you know what, Mr. Speaker?

For political purposes, President Biden sold off a strategic asset of this Nation. He started dumping oil out of the SPR, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and put it out there so that China could buy it, and China did buy it.

This is an American asset.

Do you know what, Mr. Speaker?

This bill that prohibits that oil from being sold to China and other adversaries makes sense, but the Democrat talking points make none.

