
Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 6, 2023
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Clerk, I rise to nominate Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker of the House.

Madam Clerk, House Democrats are united behind the son of a social worker and substance abuse counselor, a leader who is deeply involved in his community and a tireless advocate for the least, the lost, and the left behind. He is a voice for the people. Madam Clerk, this is the people's House.

Two years ago today, duly elected Members of this body gathered here to certify the results of a free and fair election. In doing so, we participated in a tradition that makes our democracy a marvel and the envy of the world, a peaceful transfer of power.

But this body is more than a ceremonial Chamber, Madam Clerk. This is a workplace where hundreds of men and women endure long, difficult hours before they punch out and go home to their families, where good people come to work each day and maybe steal a quiet moment to themselves to look up at the ceiling or to look at the paintings or the statue of Abraham Lincoln and to thank God for the blessings of liberty because this place is so much more than a Chamber or even a workplace. ``It is,'' in Lincoln's words, ``a sign we intend the Union shall go on.''

I am not just talking about the Members either, Madam Clerk. I am talking about you and your staff, the custodial staff, the floor staff, the institutional staff, our congressional staff, the Sergeant at Arms, our beloved Chaplain, and the Capitol Police. I am talking about the people who make this House work, the people who Hakeem Jeffries will never take for granted.

Two years ago, Madam Clerk, we witnessed this place under siege by a violent mob who desecrated this building and the other Chamber. But this feels a little familiar. Today, we adjourned amidst utter confusion, only this time we are returning in the dark of night not to cast a vote to bring this country together and to do our jobs, but one that will set the path toward division and default.

So if we are forced to be here this evening because of the chaos and crisis on the other side, it is only fair to point out, Madam Clerk, that the same individuals who fanned the flames of January 6, who told their followers and their followers' followers that they needed to fight back, and who challenged the swearing in of Members based on a bogus claim of fake electors, may well be in charge of the people's House, if they can ever agree on who can lead them.

That is why House Democrats stand united behind Hakeem Jeffries. Hakeem is the only candidate in this race for Speaker who will defend this democracy. He is the only candidate in this race willing to call out the lie that the election was stolen, and he is the only candidate in this race who thinks that everyone involved on January 6 ought to be held accountable, regardless of the positions they hold in power.

For justice and truth, and in memory of the lives lost on January 6, I nominate Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker of the House.

