Sen. Marshall Bills Prevent IRS Overreach

Press Release

Date: Oct. 5, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. has introduced two pieces of legislation aimed at preventing overreach at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) following an aggressive expansion of the agency by the Biden Administration. One bill, titled the Preventing Frivolous Actions by IRS Agents Act, compensates American citizens who were incorrectly subjected to failed IRS audits or legal actions, while the other bill forces the IRS to sell its $700,000 stockpile of firearm ammunition.

"Joe Biden and the Democrats stuck working and middle-class Kansans with a massive spending scam that gives the IRS the green light to aggressively snoop around in their personal finances. Defending a frivolous audit is expensive and the IRS should pay the bill, not innocent Americans who were wrongly targeted by an overzealous federal accountant," said Senator Marshall. "Additionally, the IRS currently possesses a massive ammunition stockpile. Joe Biden wants the IRS to squeeze every cent it possibly can out of law-abiding American taxpayers and this ammo must be sold before federal law enforcement can potentially use it to threaten and oppress citizens."
