Atatiana Jefferson Trial

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 12, 2022
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, in October of 2019, on the south side of Fort Worth, Texas, on East Allen Avenue, Atatiana Jefferson, a young Black woman, who was inside of her home playing video games with her nephew, was killed by a police officer--again, inside of her home.

This week, we are witnessing the trial of that police officer, and the Black community in Fort Worth is obviously watching this trial very closely.

Mr. Speaker, for far too long, when these killings have taken place, people have not been held accountable by our court system, and rightfully so. People in Fort Worth, again, particularly in the Black community, want to see justice in this case; because let's be clear, these killings are too much of a reality in Black and Brown communities all across our country. We want justice, we demand justice, and we want justice now.

Mr. Speaker, we are going to be watching this case very closely. I pray for this family and pray for the right outcome for Atatiana Jefferson. She deserves justice.

