Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. Helps Pass Federal Marriage Equality Bill

Press Release

Today, Rep. Payne, Jr. helped pass a landmark bill to defend marriage equality nationwide. The bill, The Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404), repeals the "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) and upholds same-sex couples' rights to equal protection under federal law. Additionally, it requires states to recognize and respect valid out-of-state, same-sex marriages.

"I proudly voted to ensure the federal government and states never again have the ability to stand in the way of the rights of Americans to marry the person they love," said Rep. Payne, Jr.  "The Supreme Courts' outrageous and extremist Dobbs opinion made it necessary to pass Congressional legislation that protects Americans basic human rights. Their decision to reject 50 years of judicial precedent showed that the court has an extreme agenda that puts limits on basic, personal freedoms.  This bill honors the dignity and equality of every American. Once signed by President Biden, it will protect each married couples' right to equal protection under the law and bar discrimination against out-of-state marriages. It eliminates the hate and bigotry that caused the Dobbs decision in the first place."

The Respect for Marriage Act will take several steps to protect the inviolability of same-sex and interracial marriages:

Repealing the "Defense of Marriage Act": While the Supreme Court has effectively voided DOMA, this unconstitutional and discriminatory federal law remains on the books. The Respect for Marriage Act will repeal this statute once and for all.

Enshrining Marriage Equality into Federal Law: This legislation will uphold married couples' right to equal protection in all areas covered under federal law, such as Social Security, tax filings and veterans' benefits.

Barring Discrimination by State Officials: This legislation prohibits state officials from denying recognition of an out-of-state marriage based on sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin.

The Respect for Marriage Act is strongly supported by leading advocacy organizations, including the ACLU, Center for American Progress, Equality Federation, Family Equality, Freedom for All Americans, GLAD, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Black Justice Coalition, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Women's Law Center and PFLAG.
